For use with Kaleidoscope 1.8 and later versions. Max Darkness was developed on a Power Mac 5500 using Mac OS 8. It has _not_ been tested on any other Macs with any other versions of the system software. Max Darkness was made using Designer's Studio and ResEdit.
I would like to say a special thanks to Nate Kannady for always being there with me to mess around while we made our schemes together and inspiring me to do better. Also to Aaron "The Pubes" Koopmans for helping me with my scrolls and arrows.
I have included my Darkness desktop picture. It is just a black background. Use the desktop picture as a picture not a pattern. It seems to be smaller that way.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the color scheme or the thoughts behind it please contact me at
Remember, Kaleidoscope is shareware so you may distribute it as you will.
Also, I have another scheme that you can download. It is called Redemption so please check it out!